Friday, October 21, 2011

15 minutes to 12: piéces pour la fin du monde

Vox Novus is calling for one-minute works for piano or works for piano and
electronic playback (tape) composed for 15-Minutes-of-Fame: Shiau-uen Ding
to be performed at the February 12, 2012 Composer's Voice concert in New
York City. The one-minute piano works are to be written specifically for
this project, which will be performed by Shiau-uen Ding. All works must be
60 seconds or less.

"15 minutes to 12: pi?ces pour la fin du monde": Fifteen one-minute works
for piano or piano and electronics are to be associated with the end of the
world in 2012, written specifically for this project for pianist Shiau-uen
Ding. No intervals for either hand should exceed an octave, except possibly
a minor ninth with one note on a black key (e.g. F#-G) , as well as a major
ninth with two white keys played by a thumb (e.g. F-G-G on the RH).
Electronics are optional, and are for one-track, fixed sound only.

Works should be submitted as PDF files in two formats; one as the published
score, the other without the composer's name for screening. A picture of the
composer, 50-word biography, and 50-word program note about the piece should
be submitted with works.

-Works need to be submitted via email to: by
December 12, 2011.
-The subject line of the email should read - 15-Minutes-of-Fame: Shiau-uen
Ding - Composer Name - Composition Title
-Email submissions should include the 50-word bio and 50-word program notes
as text in the body of the email.
-The composer's a picture must be attached as a jpg file.
-The two scores must be attached as two separate files in pdf format.
(performance notes should be included with the score.) NO ZIP FILES.
-The optional electronic part should be submitted as an attached MP3 file -
if selected you will be asked to send a WAV or AIFF file.
-No works over a minute will be reviewed.
-Include the dedication to Shiau-uen Ding on the score
-Works should be composed specifically for this project and performer. All
pieces must be premieres and not previously written or performed.
-The results will be announced by December 31, 2011 on the Vox Novus
website, and composers of the fifteen accepted works will be notified by

For more information, visit: