Wednesday, December 02, 2009

The ALEA III International Composition Prize

Theodore Antoniou, Music Director

2010 Twenty-Eighth Annual Competition

The ALEA III Prize: $2,500

Deadline: March 15, 2010

Composers of any nationality born after January 1, 1970 may participate.

Only one composition per composer is permitted.

No entry fee.

Works of any aesthetic direction from 6 - 15 minutes in duration may be submitted. Works may be for solo voice or instrument or for an ensemble up to fifteen players. Available instruments are: one flute (doubling piccolo or alto), one oboe (doubling English horn), one clarinet (doubling bass clarinet), one bassoon, one horn, one trumpet, one trombone, one tuba, two percussion players, one harp, one keyboard player, one guitar, two violins, one viola, one cello, one bass, tape and one voice.

One of the fifteen performers could play a traditional, folk, or rare instrument (solo or as a part of the ensemble), or could be an unusual specialized vocalist. Contact for more information

One work per composer. All works must be unpublished and must not have been publicly performed or broadcast in whole or in part or in any other version before the announcement of the Prize in late September, or early October 2010. Works that have won another award are not eligible.

Anonymous entry.

6 - 9 works will be selected for performance in Boston by ALEA III under the direction of Theodore Antoniou in late September, or early October 2010. At the end of the concert one piece will be selected to receive the $2,500.00 ALEA III prize. The judges reserve the right to divide the award money or to decline to make an award.

The judges will be prominent personalities residing or working in the Boston area. The panel, consisting of composers, performers, conductors, musicologists and educators, aims for a balance among a variety of musical approaches. For information and application form please check the ALEA III web site:

or email to Alex Kalogeras

Application Form must accompany the score at the time of submission.